Thursday, July 31, 2008

Thursday ~ July 31 ~2008

Howdy! I am here in my wardrobe getting dressed for a big date. I have been working hard reeling this one in for a long time and I do believe she's finally hooked!

And yes, my heart is on my sleeve.

What I really need to complete my outfit is a dashing derby...

Hmmm.. too reminiscent of Huck Finn for this particular occasion.

Big Pimpin'! It's good, but maybe a little too good, if you know what I mean.

I most certainly do not dig the elderly vibe of this chapeau. 

Now this I like... it has a timeless quality to it that says, "I appreciate style over trendiness."

Oh, but I do like this hat! So fantastic! So kinky! So devil may care, let's trip the light fantastic!

This is definitely the one for the occasion.

I'm off to meet my lady love!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i haven't forgotten our date, mister. i'm coming to pick you up soon, i swear!